Site Policies

Comment Guidelines

  1. You agree not to post any abuse, obscene, vulgar, slanderous, hateful, threatening, or sexually explicit content. You also accept not to publish any material that may violate any relevant laws
  2. We urge that you show regard and respect for other posters. Criticism of other comment members' arguments is acceptable as long as it is respectful and does not descend to the level of offense alongside not to violate ethical rules. References to commercial endeavors, different blogs, and the like may only be posted if they are relevant to the current discussion.
  3. This is an 18 years old and above forum, however, if you are under 18, you must be accepted by your parents or guardians. Profanity and objectionably graphic material (as determined by the administrators) is not permitted.
  4. You promise to follow intellectual property laws in your contributions here. Must not upload copyrighted content beyond the acceptable "fair use" without the consent of the rights holder. Do not post a complete copyrighted article without permission; instead, provide a link.
  5. You agree not to misrepresent your identify, such as by pretending to be someone else or posting under many identities.

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