Frequently Asked Questions


About my admission and experience at Swinburne

How you got offer from SUT* with exemption (2 years instead of 1 years) ?

It all comes from my diploma degree from Aptech (Aptech Global), depending on which schools that accept my diploma. As of around October 2022, three university: Latrobe, Deakin, and Swinburne accepted that degree. This only about Australian Universities, which accept Aptech diploma.

Does SUT* increase more exemption than 1 years ?

Yes, I study Bachelor of CS**, majoring in AI*** , and my ADSE**** makes my Bachelor decreases to 2 years ( 7 elections and 1 core ). However, if you apply for IT, at Communication Technology major and Software Technology major, you will get respective 1.5 years and 1 years exemption. That's the information that I know.

Are we able to get exemption more than just diploma ?

Sure, the information that I have is that if you have NCC, you may be able to save another 6 months, or if you have CCNA (seems like that), you will be exempted from the Network subject (I clearly know that is Network and Switching).

Will too many exemptions impact on myself?

First of all, if reducing to below than 2 years, you might not able to have a 485 visa, which might be disadvantage if you want to gain your skills at Australia. Furthermore, reducing units on electives might be challenging for me, as last year I have to deal with all of last year units (level 3 and 4), which may quite stressful for most of the students.

Really! Does reducing years are beneficial to you ?

Like I said before, exemption has both pros and cons. Pros means I have more chance to finish sooner and worry-free on choosing electives are suitable for me. Cons means likely to deal with only major and core units, which might be stressful for me, that's why I have to prepare myself a lot during holiday and really well on time-management in order to tackle the units well.

There are lots of people from diploma after graduation, they might go to work instead of further learning like Bachelor

Yes, I heard a lot of that situation, because the content from my diploma school brings us enough to go work after finishing diploma, or even finishing just after one semester. I think IT jobs are a lot, even in my home country, so it might easy to find.

4 projects and ranged of programming units in diploma! Seems like you will tackle the programming units quite well.

Biased! I do not think skills and knowledge during my diploma helps me well on during undergraduate. It depends on how performance you well during diploma degree. I was only aiming for pass for diploma units, except for project units caused they are practical and I love to participate in a team which aiming for the best quality. There are other problems that I have to fix myself, such as time management and planning, which I have to improve every day.

About Artificial Intelligence

AI major, sounds like cool but really challenging.

Yep, several of my friends said to me that the AI units are quite hard, even for several people who studied at selective schools in Vietnam. Luckily, I got programming skills during my studies at diploma and first years of my bachelor, so I could have a better sharp to deal the units. Let's see then I will have review of how I deal these units in the future.

AI is hard, you should change to different major like software.

Thanks for that! But I do not want to change major due to several reasons. First of all, AI is the future, and when Swinburne introduced AI major in 2022, there will be more likely for AI jobs to be released a lot, besides with software engineering or programming development that last dozen years. Additionally, AI helps myself to improve a higher level of programming, which includes algorithms, applied math, and ranged of Machine Learning - Data Science technology such as Tensorflow, Data Processing, and so on.

Prepare and learn AI

Udemy and Coursera are simply recommend by me. For Udemy, you need to find the course that it got the highest rated in terms of quality and how many people there learned. For Coursera, Andrew Ng is by far the best that I got from my recommendation (even my friend told to me that Andrew Ng is recommended if I want to learn AI foundation to advanced)

Projects and Teammate

How about Teammate? Do you have a good experience during your time at Swinburne? Can you compare between your experience of diploma and bachelor ?

In Diploma, second, third, and fourth and final projects (Android Studio using Java) that I have a chance to work with teammate that able to choose without depending on the chosen members by staff. It was so tough to work with the people whom got few attitude of participating on the team to be better, although I got several of team members who were really helpful and collaborated effectively with me. For Bachelor, all projects that I have studied before that I able to choose the teammate independently (but you need to do quick, otherwise you could be chosen by your tutor), however the marking of projects units in Bachelor are clarifier than diploma, so I got higher marks. I will discuss more in a post, stay tuned!

Would I want to work with you as a teammate

Thanks! But I want to make it safe, so I will make my own decisions. If you want to contact me, just connect me at Linkedln and message me that you have read my blog (might be mention FAQ if you read this toggle section).

What's the qualities of becoming my teammate?

Do not bring your ego? You should listen and express your opinion on how to contribute, not just keeping on your own. Also, I would prioritise people on time-management and good on planning.

Does people who got really well GPA - WAM affects yourself on choosing teammate?

Could be, and experience on different projects is also a good choice for me to choose the teammate.

Language and Communication

I will update later - stay tuned!


* : Swinburne University of Technology

** : Computer Science

*** : Artificial Intelligence

**** : Advanced Diploma in Software Engineering